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"Alles steht Kopf" - ein Film von Disney über die Gefühle

Fernanda Furia

Mrz 16, 2015


We develop different emotions at the same time, all the time.

How can all these feelings interact among each other inside our minds?

This was the theme of Disney Pixar film “Inside Out”. Have you watch it? If not, here is the trailer.

In the trailer, it is already possible to identify the funny, intelligent and sensible tone of “Inside Out”.

The film might seem to be a child thing…but it isn’t.

It catches our minds to a situation that is crucial but neglected by society: the constant influence our emotions have in our daily decisions and attitudes.  Since our early years, we have learned from school about human anatomy and our biological make up.

Chances are you have learned some about how the mind works, but have you ever learned more about the human mind on an emotional level?

In days of deep technological evolution there is no sign that our emotional capacity has been catching up to the digital development. The consequences have already been seen: extremely high levels of depression, increased psychiatric disorders in all ages.

It is clear that the root of this warning scenario is related to many factors, but the impact of new technologies and, consequently, the different kinds of relationship has deeply affected people.

There has been no initiative to develop an emotional education program that helps us reflect and handle our emotions that accompany us when we navigate an ocean of social networks, new digital devices and innovating technologies.

After all, what is the relationship between our emotions and behaviors?
The impact they have in our capacity of deciding and soving problems?

Does the emotional suffering interfere in the learning process?  Does it inhibit our productivity?
Managing your emotions and expressing them properly is part of a group of socio-emotional abilities that are more urgent and necessary in the 21th century.

Learning to manage our emotional highs and lows need to be implemented into formal education in schools, to financial education, to digital citizenship, to the innovation processes, to education for sustainability, etc…t is extremely important to teach new generations about this emotional universe and the real impact it has in our lives.

Every day. Every moment.  For the rest of our lives.

Fernanda Furia

Founder of the Innovative Playground, consultant of Innovation in Psychology and Education. Has a Masters degree in child and adolescent psychology and education from University College London. For 17 years has worked with adults, children, and dolescents in psychotherapy, and in more recent years has been integrating her experience in psychology in the area of innovation.

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