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Unser Programm ——

Imperfection in Germany? Our first workshop in Munich

Carla Scheidegger

Juni 15, 2015


With butterflies in my stomach, but a strong desire to finally put our methodology into practice, we introduced the magic and imperfect world of Carlotas to Germany.

Our first step outside the Brazilian zone happened this March in the event “Spring of Foundations”, when Carlotas was awarded by the BMW foundation, a recognition that has motivated us even more to believe in our purpose. Moreover, some weeks ago we took our project to the 2nd Congress of Portuguese as Heritage Language – performed by "Brazil in Mind in New York" – where we were convinced that not only children, but parents, can benefit from our activities.

From there we developed our first workshop with Brazilian women that have lived abroad for some time. We did an intense trip to the playful and imperfect world of Carlotas. We brought a lot of emotions: laughs, tears, anxiety, uneasiness, happiness and mainly moments of reflection.

We put the empathy into practice and talked a lot about diversity, different point of views and its construction potential (not sure what
you mean) about our identity and the influence of or cultural baggage in our daily choices, for us and our children.  

There were hours of harmony, when we gave ourselves the opportunity of seeing each others full potential. Listening. Understanding.

We left the meeting being sure that empathy and respect had to be practiced effectively so we can positively influence those who are around us.




Carla Scheidegger

Ein neugieriger Geist in einem Körper voller Emotionen. Ich reise gerne, um fremde Kulturen und Menschen - die anders sind als ich - zu begegnen. So kann ich Empathie üben und mich kontinuierlich als Mensch entwickeln und verändern. Wie hier in der Welt von Carlotas.

Mit Empathie & Diversity für starke Institutionen in einer gesunden Gesellschaft.

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