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Meinung ——

The Places We Come From (2)

Joice Risnic

Mai 07, 2015


At school, home or through various relationships we establish among our lives we have been labeled without knowing since the day were born. These labels we find attached to us, impact our future and strip us from what we were born with; possibility losing our uniqueness and the real diversity of the human being inside and outside. We inhabit these places because this is what we grow into without effort, most of the time we stay there because we know them and they make us feel comfortable and safe, but outside of them life becomes dangerous, wide and uncontrolled. There are places for the slow ones, for the fast, for the focused, for the careless, for the contemplative, for the ambitious, for the pretty and for the ugly, for the shy, for the happy and for the sad, for the well and for the bad-behaved, for the intelligent…, and so on. 

Embrace these categories and build ourselves into an individual.  However the belief that we are these places can trigger confusion and misunderstanding. In the end we begin to ask, who are we? Are we the story they tell about us? Where is the place that tells us who we are? Is this place inside or outside of us? Who benefits if we accept to occupy those places?...They tell us constantly that we must belong somewhere. To uniform the behaviors seems to be a path that makes the current situation easier, but it actually makes the manipulation and control easier, making us distant from our true essence and potential. They fill our minds with diagnoses and antidotes that make us believe that there are few categories in where we belong, or worse that there is only one for us. There are drugs that save us, products that rescue us from our imperfections, trips that take us to perfect worlds and houses that can make us feel at home because we are among our equals, isolated from our differences.

School is a place of intense social interaction among youngsters and adults, but has really become a place of dissemination of some of these behavioral insecurities that feed the interest of many industries. The idea of “natural” has been transformed into a product and that is only where it can be found unless you are among those who have “that” cell phone, those who have “that” hair, those who watch “that” TV show, and those who have “those” grades. And what about us, the other “WHOs”? That choose to seek about who we are, that are not ashamed about showing our imperfections, that make a lot of mistakes, and do a lot of good. We are in a huge world of truth, natural, diversity, infinite in its beauty, pains and surprises. We are out of this limiting categorization, away from those who want to stay in.

We, those who inhabit these other places, “outside of the box”, do not believe in categories. Instead believe in authenticity, liberty and partnerships. We believe that the world is friendly and that separating instead of uniting make us feel bad. We believe in a school that recognizes and embraces the individual powers, that promote the exercise of the social integration without competition, collaboration and compassion. We believe in a media that shares innovation, that help us improve ourselves as individuals, that shows sustainable and healthly products. We believe that better drugs for our pains and frustrations come from the nature, the nature of the plants and the lovely and friendly nature of the human being.  We believe in art as a possibility of inspiring new eyes and people to become alive. We believe the world is a big house. There is no inside or outside, there is only the house, and there is where we live.

Joice Risnic

Mit Empathie & Diversity für starke Institutionen in einer gesunden Gesellschaft.

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