
Carlotas developed an approach to promote the dialogue about respect and empathy through activities and programs. We apply that approach on training and development programs in corporations and schools - for students and teachers.


Listening, Courage, Connection, Empathy, Emotional Management, Creativity, Collaboration, Respect, Deconstruction of Perfection


Carlotas' world

Carlotas' is an allegorical world inspired by our differences. Carlotas illustrates a place where everyone is aware of their diversity and fully respect it. The characters that live there are endless and each one has a story that can be read to children to illustrate important conversations.

"This year's project had a very interesting impact because, unlike previous years where work was done directly with the children, it worked with those who work with children."

Cristina Oliveira Borges Mariano

Teacher at CEI São Jorge Arpoador

social commitment

As a non-profit organization in the USA, our social commitment is to create free tools for children, parents and teachers to develop social and emotional learning. In Brazil, where Carlotas started, we are a B Certified company, running free programs in public schools since 2016. This video shows the conclusion of the program in Brazil in 2019. Click here to learn more.

Empresa B en CSS

Foster empathic and respectful human relationships.


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