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Said, the boy who was named after Happiness

Fabiana Gutierrez

September 22, 2016

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Said likes to be well dressed, with matching clothing, and just takes off his watch to take a shower. It’s been a little while since he started to worry about his appearance, so there’s no mistake: he is trying to impress someone!

He is flirting with Helena, his sister’s friend. They grew up together, playing in the street, traveling together. They have always attended the same school, but suddenly he began to feel embarrassed to talk to her. The girl hasn’t even noticed Said’s “intentions” towards her, and she thinks he’s funny and enjoys life.

His friends think his name is a bit weird, but he doesn’t care: “in my parents’ country, Said means happy!”, he proudly answers. And it’s not just his name that attracts curiosity among other children. Said is Muslim and sometimes people would make comments or jokes about things they see on the news about the traditions of his faith, which predominates especially in the Middle East.

With a lot of patience and empathy, Said explains that traditions, religions or customs are part of every society but they do not necessarily define all the people they represent. When it’s time to play and to study, what difference does it make my personal options? It’s just pure fun!

Proof of this is Benjamin, who sits in front of Said in the classroom and practice Judaism. The two boys are always together. They go to each other’s houses all the time, and their parents know each other very well, because the boys are such great friends. What they most enjoy doing are the skateboarding classes at the park.

Said is more radical and he dares to attempt some jumps in the small ramp. Ben, as their friends call him, is pleased to make slalom (that zigzag move) around small cones, which is super difficult, but without greater risks of getting hurt.

They want to practice a little bit harder before inviting a few girls from the class – and, of course, Helena! – for some skating time in the afternoons.


Fabiana Gutierrez

Comunicadora, fã de redes sociais, blogueira, mãe, empreendedora social e feliz. Não necessariamente nessa ordem. Descobri que o que não muda, é que tudo muda. Apenas o que é importante permanece porque o que não toca o coração, não fica na mente. Tento viver o que acredito e por isso estou aqui.

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