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Daniel has a lot of good news for us.

Fabiana Gutierrez

September 08, 2016

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Daniel is a dreamer. Raised in the metropolis, he loves to spend the holidays at his grandparents’ house in a small town, where he can put into practice the adventures inspired by the various fantasy books he usually reads.

One day, he and his two best friends, Marcus and Wilson, would walk for hours by the old railroad tracks. The other day, they would spend the afternoon balancing in a canoe, fishing in the pond by the city’s entrance. They explore every street, biking, and climbing trees to gather – and eat! – blueberries and mangos.

It was in the backyard of his grandparents’ home that Ploc showed up, the owl he adopted. As the pet sleeps by day and stay awake by night, there is barely enough time for them to be together: only one hour a day. But just like any other friendship, they don’t need to stay together other all the time to like each other. It is the same way as with Marcus and Wilson, whom Daniel only meets for the holidays.

Daniel has asthma, which keeps him from playing sports that require running. For this reason, he is usually alone during physical education classes, while his friends play football, basketball or volleyball. Instead of getting upset, he enjoys this break to read or watch romantic comedies on YouTube.

This inability to run without losing his breath might explain his admiration for marathon runners, especially the ones who compete at the traditional Saint Silvester Road Race, which takes place every last day of the year in São Paulo, Brazil. Because he is a dreamer, he imagines it must be a great feeling to crossing the finish line first!

Despite not being the typical popular student, much less the funny guy, Daniel is also very dear to his friends in the big city. He’s always willing to listen and give feedbacks to anyone who asks him something. And he doesn’t miss an opportunity to make a slightly funny comment.

He has a somewhat curious habit: collecting colored handkerchieves. No one knows whether this is a way for him to remember the hundreds of colorful patchwork fabrics of his grandma’s sewing room, or if it has to do with the fact that he’s very emotional and cries at romantic comedies and even listening to songs that make him think of special moments. There would be no handkerchieves to dry so many tears! His sensitive side causes him to have a particular concern about refugee people from Middle Eastern countries, especially children like him.

Daniel hasn’t decided yet if, when he grows up, he will be an international correspondent or if he will be part of humanitarian expeditions to assist the population of countries at war. But he knows one day he will make a film about owls, handkerchieves and sports!


Fabiana Gutierrez

Comunicadora, fã de redes sociais, blogueira, mãe, empreendedora social e feliz. Não necessariamente nessa ordem. Descobri que o que não muda, é que tudo muda. Apenas o que é importante permanece porque o que não toca o coração, não fica na mente. Tento viver o que acredito e por isso estou aqui.

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