The power of empathy and The strength of diversity


We work to develop social and emotional learning through art, dialogue and playful activities. This is done via an educational approach to soft skills that sparks transformations in human relationships in students, teachers and corporations.

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Picha is inspired by a real boy who lives in refuge in Malaysia

Fabiana Gutierrez

August 23, 2018

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Picha comes from a very humbling family, a very shy boy at first but when you get to know about him more, he starts to get really active and naughty. He's from Myanmar and he is the youngest of three, he has 2 elder sisters. He loves his toys and every time when we give him something, he will cherish them.

His hair is always a bit messy, what shows that he is always running around. When we play together, he's always trying to get on top of my back, which is cool because he is very light! Even eating a lot of ice cream! Oh boy! He loves chocolate ice cream, and he doesn't eat any ‘weird' ice cream like matcha or pistachio.

His currently 6 and going to school. We are happy to see him taking classes and slowly building a good life for him and his family, where he first arrived here he couldn’t go to school, but now he really digs it! He's always very kind and generous, always wanting to help whenever he sees somebody working. But he is funny, because he is a bit clumsy as well, so he helps and makes you laugh at the same time

Every time I see him I want a hug! But you should know his hugs are really fast and brief - so enjoy when yo can!

Picha is inspired by a real child also named Picha. He and his family are part of Picha Project , a social organization in Malaysia that looks to bring a better life and dignity for refugees families. Carlotas is happy to partner up with them to tell you this stories!

Fabiana Gutierrez

Comunicadora, fã de redes sociais, blogueira, mãe, empreendedora social e feliz. Não necessariamente nessa ordem. Descobri que o que não muda, é que tudo muda. Apenas o que é importante permanece porque o que não toca o coração, não fica na mente. Tento viver o que acredito e por isso estou aqui.

social commitment

As a non-profit organization in the USA, our social commitment is to create free tools for children, parents and teachers to develop social and emotional learning. In Brazil, where Carlotas started, we are a B Certified company, running free programs in public schools since 2016. This video shows the conclusion of the program in Brazil in 2019. Click here to learn more.

Empathy Manifesto, an invitation for a world of Respect and Acceptance.

Foster empathic and respectful human relationships.


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